No matter how hard I try, I continue to make (at least) one rookie mistake with my running. I cannot stand it when I am out on a training run and someone passes me. Yes, that's pointless and ridiculous, but let me explain.
It does not bother me if someone is running faster, especially if it's a guy (I can't recall the last
time I was passed by another woman). What bothers me is the guys that try to race me because they can't stand the fact that a female runs faster than them. At least I think that's the reason. I never see them sprinting ahead to pass a man. What's really "fun" is when they sprint ahead, stop and walk, then sprint ahead again, only to stop completely while I keep going. They are doing themselves more harm than good. Keep in mind, I'm not talking about racing, just normal running on the road or trails.
The other day in Houston, I went to Memorial Park to run. A loop around the park is a little less than 3 miles. I was doing two loops. As I was about to start my second loop, a guy with an iPod was just starting his run. I kept the same pace I had been running as I passed him and sure enough he heel-strikes his way up next to me. Eventually I got annoyed by his huffing and puffing down my neck and sped up a bit. He went with me of course. I let him pass because there was no point in playing this game. Sure enough, about 400m later the guy stopped with his hands on his knees, spitting (or vomiting) on the ground. I went on my merry way.
You can always tell the non-runners. That guy was definitely a weekend warrior. One thing I love about running is that, for the most part, it is not a masculine or feminine sport. Men and women are on the same teams, train together, race at the same meets, coach each other, etc. All that matters is what you accomplish and mostly everyone supports each other.

Real men can accept that a woman is faster. Train harder if you don't like it. You have the physiological advantage. Just look at Paula Radcliffe, the female world record holder in the marathon. How many men can run a 2:15:25 marathon? It's okay to get beat by a girl.
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